Privacy Policy

Core VR Limited – Privacy Policy – April 23


This Privacy Policy applies to the users of Core VR Limited. This conforms to internet privacy standards.

Core VR Limited respects our customers privacy, this is an important part of our relationship with our customers.

We offer a free roam virtual reality service

Website, booking services, user accounts and feedback via the domain of

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us.

Collected information

We aim to provide a high level of customer service, any information collected by Core VR Limited is required to provide you with our services or products.

Data is collected and stored, when voluntarily provided by you, automatic recordings via our website or from third parties sites. (like advertising, to assist us in marketing activities). Alternatively, data can be collected via telephone or face to face in one of our stores. You can always choose to not provide the information we require; however, this will mean we cannot provide you with the services that you request.

We do not collect personal data from individuals under the age of thirteen because they are not old enough to use our services. If you are the parent or legal guardian of an individual under the age of thirteen and you believe they have shared personal information with Core VR Limited, please contact us immediately and we will delete any information which may have been provided to us.

When using our website for registering an account or making a booking, Core VR Limited requires personally identifiable information from you in order to use our services. You provide the following information: Your name, display name, date of birth, phone number, email address, dominant hand, height, gender. Additional information: account or order details, feedback, support enquires, your personalised message.

Automatic recordings from visiting our website are used as statistical data to determine trends among groups of players. This information is collected from web browsers, cookies, log files and technology data. This information can be your Ip address, your device type, location of booking, any website information for web pages you’ve visited. Types of games played, when and how many times played, your game performance statistics and error reports for equipment fails or if your game experiences any issues.

Third parties who provide advertising and analytics tools may provide us with your information to assist in marketing activities, advertising campaigns, and the improvement of our services.

Please note, your display name and your game performance statistics will be publicly accessible to others. This will be during game play and on our scoreboard.

Use of your information

Core VR Limited uses your contact information such as name, age, email, and phone to fill your orders and if we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you.

To help us provide you with the best service possible, your information is used for security protocols, such as account login credentials and any legal compliance. Development and improvement of our services and products. Staff development from your feedback. Completing booking requests. Responding to your enquiries. Contacting you with news and promotional emails, any updates or other information and if we have any issues processing your orders.

Business partners

When you use our services, you consent to the processing and transfer of your information to our business partners.

We may share necessary personal information with our business partners to support any requests you have such as bookings, game results, account history and your feedback results to help them improve the quality of their services. For example, your player account and contact information.

With your consent or subject to their privacy policies, our business partners may also send you other communications related to their local site operations, which you may opt out of at any time.

Personal information that you share directly with our business partners will be subject to their privacy policies and may not be subject to this policy. 

If you have any questions about the use of your personal information with our business partners, you can contact them directly (contact details are on their website) or speak to their staff in one of their store locations.

Access to collected information

You can request access to a copy of your personal information at any time. Before we process any request to access any of your personal information, you will need to confirm your identity.

 If your personal information changes, or if you no longer require our services, you may update, delete or deactivate your account by contacting us. We may need to retain a minimum amount of information for legal purposes.

If you change your internet browsers settings to block, manage, or delete cookies. In some cases, this may cause our website services to have reduced or affected functionality.

Protected information

We aim to provide the appropriate security measures to protect your information from unauthorised access/use. However, please note that no security measures are completely secure, we cannot guarantee the loss or misuse of your personal information. By agreeing to the Core VR Limited Privacy Policy, you are accepting and acknowledging this risk.

Third Parties

We work with third parties to improve your experience. Our privacy policy doesn’t not apply to third parties because we do not own or control them. We will choose wisely for who we work with but cannot guarantee they will adhere to the same privacy policy as us. Please make sure you read their privacy policy and terms and conditions before sharing your information with them.

Third party analytics or advertisement providers who use their own cookies and similar technologies are responsible for the privacy of your information that is collected, as per their own privacy policy. Please contact the third party directly if you have any queries with them.


If you opted in to receive news and promotional emails and decide you want to unsubscribe, you can do so by following the instructions in the email. This does not apply to main communications, such as our booking services. You may also seek to opt-out of the analytics and advertising provided by third parties.


We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.

Changes to privacy policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time, so please review this policy frequently to ensure that you are consenting to the most recent version of this policy before using our services.

See the top of this document for when the policy was last updated.


Any links on the Core VR Limited website are not covered within this privacy policy. Our privacy statement only covers the domain name of

Contact us

If you have any queries or questions about this policy or would like to discuss any of your rights mentioned in this policy, please contact us at

If you have any queries or questions with how one of our business partners or third parties are using your information, please contact them directly.